Uppercut Deluxe at the 101 Run 2021
On Friday 23rd July Chopper Riders from all over England departed on an epic 101 mile journey from the 101 year old Helter Skelter Roller Coaster in Margate to the stunning Duke of London Pub in Brentford.
Duke of London was packed out with choppers, classic cars, vintage car and bike memorabilia, some of the UK’s finest motorcycle vendors, a half pipe and of course, an Uppercut Deluxe Pop Up Barbershop.
John Alexander (Off-Cut Barbers, London) was on hand to dish out haircuts and the finest pomade to riders when they arrived from the long ride (well, the one’s that made it all the way!).
Saturday 24th was a chance for ticket holders to come and browse the bikes on display and partake in the festivities on offer. Luke Dolan (Luke’s Barbershop) jumped on the tools on the Saturday to sharpen up the event visitors.
This was the first event we have attended since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, and it was great to be back out there, especially with such a great group of people.
Thanks to everyone who came by the booth to see us, we got to catch up with some familiar faces and made some great new friends.
You can view more photos from the event on Instagram at @uppercutdeluxe and @the101run