Introducing the Uppercut Deluxe Community Marketplace
The Uppercut Deluxe Marketplace features pieces from some of our favourite brands, friends and family from around the world.
From the Sunshine Coast of Australia, to California, to all the way across to South Korea, these brands are entrenched in their local scenes but can be tricky to find anywhere else.
So we've hand picked a few select pieces and spread them across the globe, just so you can get your hands on them.
We hope this means that you can save a little bit on shipping, get your goodies faster and be able to keep on supporting small rad brands!
Get to Know more about the brands in the marketplace
Cycle Zombies
“Cycle Zombies is a family that was born and raised in Orange County, CA. It was never founded, it just happened. Surfing, skateboarding, building and riding old motorcycles, is a life we live and breath everyday, it’s not a club or a gang, but a brotherhood of family and friends who ride together and care for each other...
Digging up old bikes and bringing them back to life with a new look. We’re not trying to re-invent the wheel, but only make them turn again...” – Scotty Stopnik

Lloyd's Chopper Shop
Lloyds Chopper Shop is the handiwork of local Gold Coast motorcycle enthusiast, Cohen Arthur. Named after the person who taught him everything he knows, his old man, Lloyd.
Lloyd’s is a 19070’s warehouse tucked in behind the famous Burleigh Heads. The space is totally unique featuring Pink Italian Concrete with real silver flecks throughout, stained glass windows from a decommissioned New York church that was built in 1914, and of course is home to Cohen’s workshop.

Cape Gang
Cape Gang is all about adding flair to barbershops.
Paul Hewitt started Cape Gang after becoming bored of the mundane capes that were available on the market. He totally reimagined the standard cutting cape, adding loud colours and vibrant patterns creating capes that are unique, not to mention some of the best we’ve ever tried.

Hubris is a South Korean brand that celebrates the moto culture of Southern California. Created by Hanjin Lee and his team, Hubris brings a touch of Americana to the streets of Seoul.
Hubris combines the values of classic garment design with modern manufacturing techniques to produce the highest quality products designed to stand the tests of everyday wear.

Snub Skates
Snub Skates pays respect to skateboarding; it's history and its subcultures. Designed by 3 skate rats from different generations, Snub Skates shares the stoke of skateboard culture, the people who make it up, the progression it takes, the music that inspires us and the photographers and artists that help to define us. We aren’t comfortable sitting still, this is skateboarding after all... it’s our passion, and it’s our life… Snub Skates is our therapy, and we hope it helps keep your energy high too...